-★- Foxybeeper's Stories! -★-


Hihi! This is the tab for stories that aren't like a specific setting/genre that needs it's own tab or whatever, just ya know random stories about dorky anxious transfem self-insert characters beacuse cringe is dead and you should write like literally whatever makes you happy. Life's short, have fun!

P.S. the ⧉ symbol means it's an external link! for clarity purposes of what's on this site and what's elsewhere!

Divine Dreamer

Divine Dreamer is about a dissociating trans girl, who discovers her dissociations are also real, and that maybe she's not just a closeted autistic trans girl but something more

Dragonfire ⧉

Subby dragon,,, another rewrite of an older story! (you can tell because it's a non-HDG story that got published) The main difference here (besides the slightly improved prose and longer word count) is that it's more kink oriented! HDG writing introduced me to D/s power exchanges and a bunch of other kinks and like,,, she already was kinda subby, so might as well go full dragon-girl pet for her ethically dubious domme noble woman. One of my friend's always mentions this story whenever she mentions wanting to read more of my stories, which is funny cause Executive Dysfunction... yea it wasn't actually funny ;-;

Alone in the Woods ⧉

This is actually a rewrite of an older story of mine. A girl of no name dies and gets isekai'd into the body of a naked woman alone in the woods, where she gets adopted immediately by a direwolf. From there she learns how to do magic, and becomes a feral naked druid lady who doesn't really speak ever and has only animals for friends.

Yea it's not much of a story for much more than quiet meditative enjoyment of slice of life. Some folks say stories without conflict (it has some but they're nothing major) are boring, and they're right but like just because a story is less entertaining without it doesn't mean there's no merit in writing a story without much conflict. Honestly if you enjoy it, then you should write literally whatever. No matter how weird or nonsensical or against every writing convention known to humanity.

The first version had the self discovery being a gender one, where she realizes she's a girl after spending a lot of time in a girl's body. Which is funny because she is literally alone in the woods if an egg cracks in the middle of a forest does it make a sound? The new version replaces the vanilla gender exploraiton for species dysphoria exploration where she gets magically TF'd and gets to revel in the gender euphoria of being a feral beast girl.


Chased into the forest a peasent is lead astray


An angel falls from heaven and meets a succubus.

Damsels and Dragons

Damsels and Dragons is about a girl named Nissa who's been trapped in a tower all of her life, finally venturing forth an accident happens. Meanwhile A huntress from a sleepy valley town is out hunting when she encoutners a terrifyingly large dragon! but why is it asking for help?

Trouble comes in Pairs

A pair of trouble making sisters go on a quest to learn about their magic rock and the magical issues it keeps causing, while the daughter of their arch nemesis tags along. Can these sisters stop causing problems long enough to solve some? uhm... maybe?

Alone in the Woods (1st draft)

As stated above, this is the first version of Alone in the Woods! Why post a rough draft? Cause it's a different story and someone might wnat to read it, and even if they don't, I like collecting my stories in this new archive.

LitRPG Stories

>///////////////< beep! okay, uh maybe Azarinth Healer gave me brain worms and I wrote my first multi chapter story as a fanfic about a self-insert also getting isekai'd and doing fun stuff like grinding for levels... in a book... it was fun to write! am definitely gonna throw it up on here, heck already did a really cool art of Raven, the main character in her final form which never actually appeared in the fic and is a head canon of my own fanfic

Fanfic (the story about Raven)

Yea, I titled the notebook page Fanfic, cause I didn't need to give something no one would see a title... also it's a really accurate title. Anyway, it's a story about Raven, a transfem who's name got called by the nurse to come back for her appointment, hut the second she goest to step through the doorway she's in the worst place imaginable, a non-descript stoney hallway deep underground filled with eldritch monsters and no food or water, and especially no HRT. Her life literally could go up from there!

Anyway, here's a link to Raven's OC page cause the art I made is actually really good somehow and I immediately lost whatever brainworm gave me that sudden artistic ability literally the day after.


This is another one of my big unpublish litrpg fics. And yea it's called differently-abled cause I wasn't knowledgeable on disability advocacy and such at the time. You can probably guess it's a litRPG about disability! both mental and physical. Astra Smith is your typical anxious autistic transfem shut-in who is bad at capitalism, and she is suddenly whisked away from her home and into a fantasy world. Oh and then she gets immediately spotted by a monster, runs for her life, and ends up shattering a leg. She then crawls to an abandoned cabin where she finds a magic potion that turns her into a vampire-witch and gives her like 30% of a magical transition and also white hair and blood+shadow magic.

Of course it doesn't fix her leg or any other problems. Then she manages to use her new magical abilities to attempt to flee to safety! Where she gets attacked by wolves. Luckily she gets saved by both her new powers and some rangers who take her to safety.

From there, she slowly gains a found family, faces the discrimination of being a witch, suffers from being anxious, autistic, and unable to walk, and instead throws herself into becoming the strongest mage ever despite her disabilities. Her found family grows, she deals with people giving her grief over literally any and everything. Not to mention hiding the secret of her powers that could get her hunted down by the powers that be.

unfortunately I don't have art cause wheelchairs are hard to draw, and find good poses for, but I did learn a lot about wheelchairs when researching them because sometimes when you're writing you get fixated on making one singular thing as realistic as possible despite everything else being handwavy don't-think-about-it-too-hard-y.

Human Domestication Guide Stories

Hiya, gosh I've written a lot of HDG. Over half a million words if you count all the unpublished stuffs! So here's a tab where I talk about some of them, and my ideas for them, and like links to them. Maybe even host a few unfinished ones here.

Also if you've never heard of HDG(Human Domestication Guide) it's a kinky setting by the wonderful, adorable, and cute Glitchyrobo where giant plant alien domme's conquer future humanity and use kinky magic space drugs Xenodrugs to domesticate sophonts (turn humans into submissive pets they can dote on). Check out the Wiki! (I wrote a good chunk of it cause someone let me have admin credentials for autistic reasons(special interest infodumping reasons))

Wellness Check ⧉

Gah! Wellness Check my beloved! Gosh this fic means so much to me. So many layers of personal issues and thoughts and working through lots of identity issues all spewed onto the page in realtime. Like in the last few chapters you can literally see me work out my non-human identity, and it/its pronouns. Aster is such a self insert that I maybe named myself after her a lil... Just a lil.

Anyway this story is over 100k words and my thoughts on it are so much I'm gonna do a reign check on like actually posting them here. But maybe I'll add some of the unreleased bits in here... eventually... beep.

click here for Wellness Check art! Yes its the background image for this page, and was made by Fluxom who is super good at art and writing and is just really cool and you should donate to Þeir Ko-fi

The Queen and Her Mistress ⧉

Hiii, this is my newest HDG story. It's about Regina, the heir to a vast interstellar fortune, having the planet she administrates taken over by the kinky pet-play imperialists, the affini. Basically it's about maids. Specifically making one of the affini into a subby maid for a rich girl.

Is very autistic trans, and dealing with dysfunctional people and relationship dynamics moving to something healthier, all under the unethical but very hot and helpful vines of the affini compact.

Is the second longest HDG story I've written and on track to be the longest, hopefully you'll read and enjoy.

It (like Wellness Check) is a good intro to the setting if you haven't read any before. However it is a setting for subby autistic gay transfems with trauma into non-con so you might not like it if you're not in the target demographic.

Sleepy Bitch ⧉

Nya! Sleepy Bitch is so cozy tho,,, sometimes you're just really sleepy and never wanna get out of bed and so you write a wish fulfillment story about a big plant domme doing that, and also TFing you into a catgirl at the same time for gender and kink reasons.

The story started taking shape in early of May 2022 when another author (Asphodelveil) and certified sleepy bitch was in a voice chat with me and she didn't say much but she did utter the words "Sleepy Bitch Disease" which got stuck in my head for a month. Then in June, I was hiding from some stuff and threw my everything into writing some stories, and decided on a catgirl TF cause I knew a lot of catgirls and thought they'd like it.

My friend (Annabool) then helped me take the initial ramblings and edit them into shape through constructive feedback. It was my first time serious editing a story beyond fixing typos and sentences that were gibberish(cause my brain sometimes dumps words out in ways that don't make any intelligible sense, but am also oblivious to so need to reread). And I'm really proud of it!

Have gotten complaints that it's disturbing—blushes yea,,, it was disturbing, gosh. If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine! Kinks aren't universal, but maybe don't kink shame? If you find the non-con scary remember the rule of HDG, the characters say they don't want it, but they are self-inserts for the author who would melt into subby bliss if it happened to her.

Kink is weird and it's awesome

Sleepy Bitch 2: Sleepy Dragon (unfinished)

Uhm, uhm, maybe I wrote a few of these? Is really nice writting sleepy cuddly stories. Unfortunately this was around when I couldn't finish stories, and uhm, yea... so it's not done, and that's why it's not published anywwhere

This one is abotu Nissa, a mech tech aboard a terran ship amidst the rebellion who is having a lot of trouble staying awake! Luckily the evil affini capture her and provide her with an owner and healthcare in the form of a Dragon TF (but like also figuring out that whole sleepy bitch thing)

Anyway this story is very much non-con, but also soft! like the mildest non-con possible where they're forced into a non-con kinky relationship for legal reasons, both agree that's hot and then constantly reassure each other they're both into it.